Hannan city library User guidance
Library Hours
●all Wednesdays
●on days following any public holiday
*if that day falls on a Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday or on another public holiday, exceptions will apply.
●Books and materials inventory day.
●Special information inventory period.
●Year End and New Year holidays.
First time users
●Anyone who is a resident, or who is working or studying in Hannan City is entitled to borrow books from the library.
●Fill in the library card application form and submit at the library counter with proof of address, employment or school enrollment.
(driver's license, student card, student handbooks or company health insurance etc.)
●Name cards are not accepted as proof.
●The library protects the user's private information.
●Any and all private information will not used outside of the library.
Library Reservation and Reference Services
●Feel free to ask us if you cannot find the book you want.
●Any book currently taken out can be requested.
This applies to books in your or other libraries.
Requests can even be made to purchase new books. Maximum 50 requests per person.
●Book for availability and reservations can be made through title or author on our homepage or on OPAC. Your loan status, extension of book loans and any newly arrived books can also be checked thru our homepage.
●For both OPAC and homepage the same password can be used. Please check our guidelines for OPAC and home page access.
●Access and request can be made for books at any Osaka Prefectural Library. Feel free to ask at the library counter for assistance if you have any problems accessing a book.
*Please understand that no assistance can be offered on personal matters such as legal matters, medical matters, homework, or quiz tests etc.
When borrowing books
●Present books and library card at the counter.
●No limit to the number of books borrowed for the two-week period however for those will overdue books, restrictions will apply.
●One-time extensions are allowed however not for books that are overdue or reserved by other users. Extensions can be done at the counter, by phone, home page or OPAC.
●Library card renewal comes every five years. Submit old library card with proof of address, employment or school enrollment.
●Any damaged or lost library cards can be replaced but must submit proof of address, employment or school enrollment.
●Timely notification is necessary for change of address or phone number.
When returning books
●During open hours books are to be returned over the counter. (Library card is not required.)
●When the library is closed please return at the deposit slot in front of Sarada Hall.
●Books can also be returned at the library on wheels.
●User must defray the cost of replacing any books that are lost, defaced or damaged and deliver to the library.
When borrowing CDs
●Present the CD cover and library card over the counter.
●Maximum three CDs allowed for two weeks.
*Those who have a handicap handbook (visually impaired) are entitled to a maximum of five CDs.
●Extensions and reservations are not offered for CDs.
When returning CDs
●Present CDs at the counter to confirm receipt. Do not leave until CDs are checked out.
●PIf you experience any difficulties with a CD please inform the front desk.
●PPlease do NOT drop CDs at the dropoff slot. This might damage the CDs.
●PCD returns may also be done at the library on wheels.
*User must defray the cost of replacing any CDs that are lost or damaged and deliver to the library.
*Users of CDs are restricted to private use only and are liable in case of copywright infringement.
*Please take note that the library cannot be held liable for any damage to equipment caused by the CD.
CD testing at the library
●Fill out the CD Testing application form and enter all the necessary information.
Other services
●For the visually impaired, braille books and audio CDs can be requested for access. High magnification book readers and large print books are also available.
Personal reading service is also available on request. Special reservation is required.
●For the hearing impaired please fax us if you have any special requests 072-471-9198.
●Visitors to the library who are wheelchair-bound can be assisted with any difficulties in accessing books.
●For those having difficulties coming to the library, services are available for delivery of books by post.
●All books, magazines, newspapers, microfilm that the library has can be photocopied within the limits of copywright law. (copy fees apply.)
●On Saturdays, "book reading club" readings will be given. (for children above the age of three) at the reading room of the library.
"Baby reading club" for infants and "card book reading club"are also available.
*For dates and details please ask at the library counter or consult the Hannan newsletter.
●Any Hannan City-based organizations or institutions (school, kindergarten, nursery and private groups) may be able to borrow certain books by special arrangement. For details inquire at library.
Library on wheels "Fureaigou"
●Library goes on rounds of the city once a month.
*Consult Hannan City newsletter or homepage for times and places
Please protect the return term of loan data.
Even if it delays for a long period of time and receives demand, when data are not returned, it becomes a "long-term delinquent" by regulation of the 11th article of the Hannan city library management rules for running, and a loan and reservation become impossible. Even if data are returned to a delinquent, he loses user qualification for three months from a return day over a long period of time.
https://hannan-bunka.com/library/●OPAC (PC・Smart Phone)
●OPAC (Mobile Phone)
Access Map
Address: 599-0201 35-3 Ozaki-cho, Hannan City, Osaka Pref. (Sarada Hall)